We’re now in the thick of Lent. February, that dreary and dreadsome month, is coming to a close. It is a weighty season marked by repentance, sorrow for sin, and appropriately miserable weather. And yet, the hope for this season is that the Lord gives a deepening sense of His faithfulness as we come to HIm. Spring is on the horizon. He is faithful.

When I worked with at-risk teenagers, there was a common refrain in the community: conflict + resolution = intimacy. When there was conflict – and there was a lot of conflict – our leaders would remind us to seek healthy resolution, because with resolution comes intimacy. The relationship is strengthened. Minimizing the conflict yields no fruit. But when conflict is resolved, trust and affection are deepened. The relationship is better equipped to weather the next storm.

I’m thinking of this principle in light of Lent, because really, it is a gospel principle. When we come to the Lord Jesus in repentance, we find an immense grace. He is quick to restore us. He abounds in steadfast love. His mercy endures forever. So, our relationship with Him is strengthened, our affections are deepened. As Jesus pointed out, the one who is forgiven much, loves much (Luke 7:41-50). We could say “repentance + forgiveness = intimacy.”

In Lent we press into this reality: by repentance we know the forgiveness of Our Lord Jesus Christ and so, grow in love for Our Savior. What joy! What a gift! Let us press on to know Him, for His steadfast love endures forever.

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