Kids are an integral part of the Body of Christ. We seek to live in that reality at Gathering Anglican Church. Children are discipled, incorporated in worship, and involved in the life of the church.

Children gather weekly for Discipleship Hour from 8:45-9:45 on Sundays. We seek to disciple kids through “God’s Big Story” – an Anglican, gospel driven, Christ-centered curriculum.

The curriculum is rooted in the incredible truth that God has come to rescue his children from their own sin through his Son Jesus Christ. It explores the biblical narrative from creation and the fall to Jesus’ sacrificial victory on the cross to the promise of a new heaven and earth. GBS is taught in the context of worship through liturgy, song, scripture memory, story presentation, wondering questions, catechesis (teaching of doctrine and the faith), prayer, and many reflective and creative responses geared to a variety of age groups. 

God’s Big Story